October Update

On September 11, I gave a reflection entitled Letting Go of That Which No Longer Serves You. I want to flip that around and ask each of you to answer two questions:

QUESTION:  How does Eastrose serve you?

Please, take some time and think about all you receive from Eastrose: Spiritual guidance and comfort, fellowship, service to our greater community, and…?

QUESTION: How can you serve Eastrose?

PASTORAL CARE—In this new period of being a lay-led congregation, we definitely could use more help with pastoral care. Several of our community are going through medical crises lately. Friends stepped up and provided aid and support, but we need a focal point for anyone to contact if they are in need of pastoral care. A pastoral care group would be a true blessing. Training is available.

WORSHIP LEADERS—We have lost many of our worship leaders to attrition from the Covid shutdown, shifting priorities to AV assisting and/or backup, and personal issues. At this writing we only have four active leaders: one heads the worship team, one is your board president, and two are our community ministers! These people are already giving back and are stretched thin. Without new worship leaders, Sunday services are going to be quite different and much abbreviated. Training is available.

BUILDING AND GROUNDS CARE—We want to look our best for ourselves and for first time visitors! We’re very fortunate to have a couple of dedicated volunteers tending the immediate needs of our building and grounds, but they need more help. We must keep up with the weeds, mowing, pruning the bushes and trees and removing outdoor trash. Inside we must declutter and clean up our children’s classrooms and nursery areas. Eastrose wants families and children to return, but their spaces are not usable at present.

AESTHETICS—Much of the inside of our building needs repainting–the front of the chapel, the minister’s and congregational administrator’s offices and the classrooms. When we get a new minister and the children return, we want their spaces to be clean, fresh and welcoming.

MUSICIANS—We have good singers and musicians who play all kinds of instruments who are members of our church. Won’t you help us out with special music for services from time to time? Also, our pianist is in need of a substitute for times when she is ill or on vacation.

OFFICE HELP—Shari could use helpers periodically in the office. She can do much of the church work by computer from home, but certain tasks require someone to handle on site. As Shari recovers from surgery, can you help?

SUNDAY TASKS—MAKING COFFEE, BRINGING FLOWERS, CLEANING UP—the signup sheets are in the hallway directly outside the main doors to the chapel. Recently we have not had coffee time after church because no one signed up to make it! It’s not difficult, but you do have to come in a bit early on a Sunday. Have flowers in your garden? Please sign up to bring some in on Sunday morning for the altar. Clean up is simple and takes little time.

These are some ways you could help that are most needed right now. Please, give a little back to the church that has helped you in many ways over the years. I know you will find it very rewarding!

In Service,

Cynthia Hopkins
Board President