December, 2022

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year” as the song goes. So many celebrations of cultural holidays occur in December, including the most ancient of all—the Winter Solstice celebration of the returning of the light.

With the start of a new year, many of us, me included, contemplate the past twelve months and what may lie ahead. Each new year fills me with a sense of optimism that it will be better than the last one. As we have moved through life with COVID, this feeling has grown stronger.

At Eastrose we learned that we could continue to grow and thrive as a lay led congregation in a post-COVID shutdown world. We undertook many challenging tasks, including: family ministry, providing speakers for our multi-platform Sunday services, building maintenance and repair, outreach to our neighbors, auction and Winterfest, updated our by-laws, restored a membership committee and greeters’ group, monthly volunteering at Snowcap, and helping our friends in times of sorrow.

Our priorities at the start of 2023 include the search for a new minister, rebuilding our worship team and cadre of worship leaders, and creating a care committee for pastoral care within our community.

There will be many opportunities for each of us to serve our Eastrose family in the coming year.

May the coming year bring peace and prosperity to us all.

Cynthia Hopkins
Eastrose Board of Trustees