A Conversation With A Mayfly

Watch the service HERE. I found the reading “A Conversation with a Mayfly” in a decades-long pile of papers I was sorting through. It humorously and seriously considers whether one’s importance is linked to the length of one’s life and what is important. And, after reading it, I spun off on so many different ideas related to those two that I wanted to share some of my thoughts with Eastrose—3 of which are:

1. Rev. Robin said in the last newsletter, “Glimmers are micro moments that begin to shape our system in gentle ways.”

2. “It wasn’t the world that had changed; it was the way I saw the world that had changed.  When I realized that, my entire life changed.” 

3. “We can ease the tension that exists between us and others by reaffirming our belief in the fundamental right of all beings to determine their own destinies.”

Carol Knox, speaker, with Worship Leader Patty Walsh. Music from Barbara Stevens and a Time for All Ages with Tara Toler.

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