Brightening Our Flame

Watch the service HERE. Reverend Sue explains how Sunday’s service will be unique:

     “In addition to honoring Mother’s day with readings and music, instead of a Sermon/message, we will get together in groups to talk about: 1. What does Eastrose mean to me? 2. What can I do to be a steward to Eastrose? and 3. How do we build community utilizing our strengths?  This will be a chance to share your ideas with others. Someone else will be writing down the answers, so you don’t have to. I will then forward the results to the Board and to our new Minister, Rev. Robin Zucker.

     This will be a fun exercise…not work. Plus, your ideas will be sent forward. (And who does not like being heard about sharing one’s opinions?)

     I hope to see you at the church on Sunday and dress cool, it will be a hot one.”

Those online will also have an opportunity to chat together. At the appropriate time, they will be directed to the Cafe Conversation link for discussion. Join us for this community building exercise and help “Brighten Our Flame” as we go forward. Worship Leader: Char Woods

Remember to bring your completed pledge forms this Sunday!

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