Celebrating Samhain

Watch the service HERE. Samhain (pronounced SOW-win), meaning “summers end” is the celebration of the end of the harvest and start of the coldest half of the year. It originated from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition.

Please join us for this special service honoring Samhain. Eastrose Board Member Therese Langevin will be leading the ritual and Rev. Suzie Matranga-Watson will be the Worship Leader. Music from Rev. Barbara Stevens and a Time for All Ages from Tara Toler.

Therese Langevin has worked in Human Services, teaching, writing, obscure rock bands and making art. Her t-shirt is faded and stained with a few holes from blackberry thorns. She joined Eastrose in 2017 and found a spiritual home, a community to support her in parenting her son Anthony, who is more fun than a barrel o’ monkeys. She calls herself a witch and tries to live by her values. On good days, she embraces her flaws.

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