Evangelism in a Liberal Key

Watch the service HERE. Is it any wonder that the word “Evangelism,” which means literally “preaching of the good news,” has an uncomfortable ring to many religious liberals? For many reasons, some valid and some stereotypic, we tend to associate evangelism with religious bullying and intolerance, with corruption and hucksterism, with rigid creeds and finger-pointing. In some cases, this is accurate. Yet, at its best, evangelism is about sharing a positive vision, helping others to heal and grow, and giving public voice to a dream. And in this very best sense, we, too can become evangelists under a billowing, open-air, distinctly liberal UU tent. Come join the revival and explore ways to articulate our free faith to others. Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker, preaching with Worship Leader Rev. Suzie Matranga-Watson. Music from Barbara Stevens and a Time for All Ages from Tara Toler.

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