Here Come the Love People

Watch the service HERE. You’ve seen them everywhere – at peace rallies and Pride marches, in our pulpit and on members of the choir, on our children and our elders, at General Assembly – those vivid gold T-shirts radiating the phrase: “Side With Love.” For  Martin Luther King, Jr. Sunday, we’ll explore the origins and mission of this campaign and also what it might mean to be one of the “love people” in your personal and communal life, in your relationships and in your activism, especially beyond your comfort zones. Are you required (expected?) to be an activist as a UU? What is meant by allyship? Rev. Robin will also introduce the annual “30 days of love” campaign that begins this morning and how we can participate. Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker preaching with Worship Leader Jean Weigant. Music from Mary Reese and a Time for all ages from Tara Toler.

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