Honoring the Jewish High Holidays – “The Possum Experiment and the Choice to Be Kind”

Watch the service HERE. During the Days of Awe, the Jewish High Holidays that begin with Rosh Hashanah on September 16 and end with Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) on September 25, the Book of Life is open as we are asked to consider our behavior, our transgressions and how to turn towards reconciliation (known as Teshuva in Hebrew). Are we born to be mild? If so, what turns us towards unkindness? If not, what motivates us to be good and what entices us to be cruel? Has a coarsened society set our gremlins loose on our better angels? Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker, preaching, with Worship Leader Cynthia Hopkins. Music from Mary Reese and a Time for All Ages from Tara Toler.

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