I, The Creator

Watch the service HERE. Looking around Eastrose at the quilts and artwork, you’re likely to think: “Wow, these folks are so creative.” And, yes, they surely are. However, creativity lives within each of us and extends beyond the visual, literary, or performing arts. In this service, we’ll explore where creativity originates, how it is sparked and unleashed, and how it can support us in our lives. You’ll have a chance to speak on creativity in your life in a “talkback” after the sermon. Service led by Katie Norris. Music from Mary Reese and a Time for All Ages from Tara Toler.

BRING YOUR CREATIVE SPIRIT! We’re building a creativity altar, too. Bring a creation, an object or tool that represents creativity in your life. This could be anything from a paint brush to a drill to a scientific instrument to a muffin tin, to a thumb drive, to a guitar pick, to a pair of garden gloves.

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