Ingathering and Homecoming with a Water Communion Ritual – “Is Eastrose Your Third Place?”

Watch the service HERE. The “third place” is a sociological concept that defines a space of significance that is not one’s home or workplace. For generations, and across theological viewpoints, this third place has typically been a religious community. Today, that landscape has changed. Is Eastrose your third place? Has it been in the past but you’ve fallen away? Could it become your third place? What does it mean to belong and what does it take to build and sustain beloved community in 2023? Gather and come home to explore these questions together. Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker, preaching, with Worship Leader Jean Weigant. Music from Mary Reese and a Time for All Ages from Tara Toler.

We’ll also share our Water Communion Ceremony with a 4-part Honoring Ritual, so bring a small container of water from a special place or that symbolizes that place (even your backyard hose or kitchen faucet). We’ll have some water on hand, too.

Invite Your Friends Who Have Been Part of This Community or Those Who May Find a Home at Eastrose.

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