Searching and Finding Hidden Treasures Within Ourselves

Watch the service HERE. Do you have areas in your life you would like to revisit, like take up that instrument you played in high school? Or pick up those knitting needles after many years? Or start “dabbling in painting, writing, singing or gardening”? What is keeping you from following those dreams? Money? Time? Maybe… but probably it is fear. Before retiring in April, 2023 Rev. Suzie Matranga-Watson had been pondering what the next phase of her life would look like and what hidden treasures did she want to explore. She will share her insights, her ongoing journey, and the “jewels” she found from the book: Big Magic – Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert to help her on her way. Come listen and maybe you will get some ideas about finding your own hidden treasures.

Rev. Matranga-Watson has been a member of Eastrose Fellowship Unitarian Universalist for over 30 years.  She was ordained and installed in 2000, as the first Community Minister in Eastrose’s history. She is enjoying retirement after 25 years as a chaplain in health care and prison settings.

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