Bread, Not Stone: Hunger and Homelessness in the Land of Plenty

Watch the service HERE. Mohandas Gandhi once speculated that with so many hungry people in the world, when God next comes to earth it will be in the form of a loaf of bread. My guess is that this loaf will be a simple one, as close to the integrity of wheat and water as it could be.  With Thanksgiving on the horizon, a holiday associated with hearth and feasting, how can we bring shelter and nourishment, both literally and figuratively, to those who are hungry and homeless? How might we invite the sacred (whatever its form) to come to us and act through us, in the shape of the most unpretentious bread with the most common ingredients –the water of humility and the grain of compassion, kneaded by our justice-seeking hands, activated by the yeast of love, and baked in an oven of grace and gratitude. Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker, preaching with Worship Leader Rev. Suzie Matranga-Watson. A Time for All Ages with Tara Toler, music from Mary Reese and a Bread Communion for the congregation. 

ACTIVATE! After the service today, please attend “Activate,” a Social Justice Town Hall with Rev. Robin in the Sanctuary. Not a committee meeting! We’ll share experiences, ideas, and visions for a relaunched Social Justice Allies team at Eastrose. 

Care bags for the unsheltered: We’ll also start collecting items today (through December 24) for our care bags for the unsheltered. See the related article in Petals. Look for the Rubbermaid bins in the lobby. 

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