We Are The Blue Boat Home – A Service for Earth Day

During the COVID pandemic, all across the planet, human beings experienced what some called “The Great Pause.” As we sheltered indoors for the better part of two years, we read reports that skies were clear in Los Angeles, fish more visible in the canals of Venice, and wildlife roaming freely in high-traffic National Parks (and in urbans areas, too!).  Even so, several years on, the climate crisis across the globe is not “healed” and the need for environmental stewardship remains as crucial as ever. In this service to celebrate Earth Day, we’ll explore how we can resist a return to “the ways things were” and build on the unexpected silver lining we witnessed. What constitutes “climate justice,” and how can Eastrose support it locally and through initiatives such as UU MInistry for the Earth? Rev. Robin Landerman Zucker, preaching with Worship Leader Rev. Suzie Matranga-Watson. Music from Barbara Stevens and a Time for All Ages from Tara Toler.

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