Topic: Justice

Creation Justice

Rev. Dr. Randy Woodley is an activist, scholar, author, teacher, wisdom-keeper, and Cherokee descendant, recognized by the Keetoowah Band, who speaks on justice, faith, the Earth, and Indigenous realities. He is the author of numerous books, including Shalom and the Community of Creation and Living in Color. Note: This is a pulpit share with Mid-Columbia … Continue reading Creation Justice

From East County Rising to the Renaissance to Plato to You: Connecting the Dots

How do we respond to the cry for justice and compassion in our local community? Rev. John Hasenjaeger will suggest we think first about the Renaissance in 15th century Italy, then back to the roots of our question in the ancient philosopher Plato, and finally bring it back to choices facing us now. Can we … Continue reading From East County Rising to the Renaissance to Plato to You: Connecting the Dots